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Discus fish buy

Over the years discus fish has come to be favorite of many amateur fish tank keepers. Since they are noted for their variety not only in terms of color but they also display interesting behavior which is a joy to watch.

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True to the exotic looks these tropical fresh water fishes hail from the Amazon. So while buying a discus fish or adopting one, one must keep in mind its natural habitat. Discus fishes have been often claimed to be highly sensitive fishes, however with the right kind of maintenance anyone can have a beautiful aquarium filled with these fishes.

They thrive on soft water with a Ph level of 5.5 to 6.5 ph. This is because the water in the Amazon is more acidic than normal because of the kind of vegetation it supports. The temperature of water also needs to be anywhere between 26 degrees to 31 degree C. They do not respond well to sudden change of water, so changing the water of the aquarium should be done only once a week. These perhaps are the most important aspects on how to maintain a discus fish.

One can buy a discus fish virtually anywhere now. All you have to locate a good pet store or a aquarium fish store or even look online using keywords such as 'buy discus fish' or 'discus fish buy' etc.

Also invest in a good sized tank as these fishes like to swim around and flash their colors. They generally have a placid personality except during breeding or when they have their young ones. It will be a good idea to move the other fish to another tank during this period.

They eat almost everything. Food like fish flakes, brine shrimp, worms, fish pellets etc can be fed. However, do make sure to ask the breeder or the store owner what they were feeding them prior to purchase or adoption. This is because a sudden change of food might upset them and cause stress.

January 23th, 11

Salt water fish require making a lot of adjustments once they are removed from their natural habitat and placed in the aquarium.

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April 24th, 11

There are various betta fish and are divided into two categories found on their breeding behavior.

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Entertainment all time favorite movies that have adopted their movie title from fish.

Released on July 15,1988, it is a law-breaking humorous film which centers round a gang of jewel-thieves and its aftermath, "a fish called wanda".

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