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Discus fish breeders

Discus fish breeders are quite a different class of fish breeders.
Earlier the general opinion was that discus fishes were very difficult to breed.

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However this has changed over time and there are many discus fish breeders breeding these graceful fresh water fishes.

One needs to research thoroughly and be armed with the right kind of guidance and equipment. Once this is in place, the process of breeding becomes easier.

Discus fishes have a reputation of being tough hardy creatures; however this does not mean that they will thrive in any condition and as a discuss fish breeder one cannot take chances. Therefore the first step should be to keep a healthy and clean tank.

One can start the breeding process by buying a matched discus fish pair from any good store that specializes in fishes. However if this is a little expensive for the budget one can always purchase juvenile fishes and grow them to become a pair. It is safe to keep six fishes so that one can be sure of at least one pair.

When your discus fishes match up, they will mark a section of the tank and protect it. This is their territory, which means that they are preparing to spawn. This is the first sign. Add a vertical object to the tank as fishes lay their eggs on a vertical surface. Also move the other fishes to another tank separating them from the spawning couple till the eggs hatch. One can also put a piece of glass cut to match the size of the tank as a divider if moving them is inconvenient.

The eggs hatch in two days after it has been laid and fertilized. It is interesting to note that the parents feed their offspring secretions of nutrients required for their growth through their skin. After five days, one can feed the fry brine shrimp that has been newly hatched. The discus fish pair will continue laying eggs every week for about twelve weeks.

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Entertainment all time favorite movies that have adopted their movie title from fish.

Released on July 15,1988, it is a law-breaking humorous film which centers round a gang of jewel-thieves and its aftermath, "a fish called wanda".

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